it's not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward; karma simply deals with what is.
This is coming to you live from MD Anderson in sweaty Houston, TX.
Happy to share recovery is going really well. The day after surgery Jay was sitting up and walking. Yes, amazing! Hooked up to IVs, tubes, monitors and all, we journeyed the halls trying to motivate his digestive system to wake up. Nearly every day another bodily hook-up is removed. There are just a few left and we expect those to be removed tomorrow. We'll spare you some of the less pleasant recovery milestones.
In true CrossFit form we started creating WODs based on his daily goals of Sitting in a chair WOD (max reps per day), Walking WOD (max reps/laps per day), Breathing machine WOD (EHOH every hour on the hour). The patient communication board was converted into a WOD tracker to count reps and of course he smashed his goals!
Labs have come back with no concerns. An ultrasound of his abdomen also confirmed all was good. Dr. Katz was in this morning and said Jay looks great. If things continue on this path we should be getting out of the hospital sometime on Monday. He'll have a follow-up at the end of next week, which will include the pathology report. So what's next? Well, we will meet with the oncologist in approx. 3 weeks to discuss the treatment plan. Doc mentioned that treatment could be administered in Ireland, which is fantastic news. We will do whatever they feel is the best scenario for the most effective treatment and recovery.
Stating the obvious here, but he's been in a lot of pain off and on. Pain management is a fine line between being comfortable and not to loopy and dizzy that you don't want to get out of bed. He's had more manageable moments than not, but there is always some amount of pain. (this kills me and all I can do is try to talk him through the rough times)
MD Anderson staff and care are superior. We wish no one to have to deal with cancer, but will say if you do, this is the place to be folks. The hospital operates like a well-oiled machine and yet the staff has amazing patience and compassion. Jay's care team does not sugar-coat anything, they are direct and knowledgeable. There is no ask to big or small. We've met other families dealing with cancer, shared stories, and very quickly see this disease impacts everyone. Folks check on each other, smile, and I'm often asked, how is your husband today? Jay's mom peddles her delish cookies which truly brightens up people's day! Despite being in a place you know you don't want to be, there is a common kindness and understanding in a smile and nod.
Thanks again for all the messages, calls, and texts - they make us smile and shed happy tears. Team Colson is just grateful for a successful surgery, blessed that we have more time to love him, and hopeful that he'll one day be cancer-free. Team Colson is winning, FUCK CANCER!